Friday, March 27, 2009

money makes the world go round

Ah, Money! It's with money like what they say about females: you can't live with, and you can't live without (joke! joke!).

It was clear that our dear beloved hotel Peacock cannot live without money. We did not get a refund in cash, but we were told that the bankinstructions for a refund per creditcard were given. Now we're controlling daily how reliable this honored family of Bohol is: what is the value of their given word? Is it dust in the wind, or a foundation to build on? Time will tell, shortly. I'll keep you informed!

What we could rely on, was the hotel transfer, nice & clean, smooth, no problems. We were way in time for the boat, and Allan was a bit delayed due to an unexpected ISO control in his school that he had to attend. No sweat, we booked first class tickets and had a great seatrip to Cebu. And Allan informed us in advance about the boat people (originally muslims from Mindanao?) diving for coins, so I took some movies and posted them on youtube (!

Our taxi was shortbreathed to climb the hill to the hotel Marco Polo, the driver had to close the aircon in order to save energy for the engine, but finally he made it in first gear. Poor car, loaded with 9 pieces of luggage!

Marco Polo launched us immediately to the 24th floor for a swift checkin (lounge privilege), and from here we have the most delicious view over the mountains of Cebu and the city and the sea. Whereever you look, there's something spectacular. Great hotel.

A quick unpacking, and we could not resist the calling of the swimming pool. Lovely surroundings, international guests, friendly service, everything our heart desires. And a great cooling swim after the salty trip!

Then the lounge needed our attention. Quite inviting, many delicacies to savour, and a staff that is eager to serve. The Phils at its best. Wish it were like this everywhere!

While HL & Allan were enjoying the lounge, I went down to meet Chan, a 20y old nursing student, 100% gay but officially bisexual because his father would kill him if he knew he's gay. This also is the Phils. A huge discrepancy between reality and fiction, and people who prefer to live their life in fiction, afraid of reality. So fictionally, Chan is not gay, and everybody's happy. So childish of his father. Sigh. When will the human race reach adulthood?

Chan is a nice guy, and definately needs a positive fatherfigure, I think that's why he leans towards me. I'll gladly perfom this task, it's my duty towards all those oppressed ravissant gay guys who serve and keep the society alive, and who are so often undervalued and kicked in the back. At least I can make a difference, and show them there are guys who appreciate them for who they are. You can never believe how much they appreciate this attention ... it's almost heartbreaking.

And now, my dear friend, we are going for an early sleep! The turmoil of the last days + the trip have really exhausted us and my eyes are slowly terminal in preparation of the night. Wish I could sit next to your side of the bed and sing you a lullaby to make you and me sail into sweet dreams :-)

Snoaring hugs,


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