Saturday, March 7, 2009

++66 (0)832 769 423

Van Bangkok-HuaHin-March2009

I'm sure you guessed what this title is for: it's our new Thai phone number! I read about it in a newspaper: it's a new combination of GSM phone and VOIP (phone by internet) and for the moment it works like a dream !!! The SIMcard only costs 49 baht (1 euro + 5 bath phonecredit), and we topped up with 50 baht, and it should be valid for one year! Woohooo!!! I love technology when it works 

While I was busy getting excited about the phone, HL got his hair cut (70 baht, less then 2 euro). Very nicely cut, I must say, he looks 100% thai now!

And he cannot resist in charming all the girls over here, as you can see in the picture, he's such a womaniser! He invited Lak (manager reception) and Noi (assistant) to come over to our house in Belgium and stay there in the guestroom that is not ready yet hehehe! 

Meanwhile, I'm testing my good old camera to use it in circumstances it was not built for: low light, fast moving persons, … all very difficult stuff for such a tiny camera. Often the pictures are not so good, but I do it on purpose, since I hope to buy another (bigger) DSLR-camera when we'll be in HK, and I want to be able to compare and see the differences !!! So do accept my apologies for the less-then-normal-quality of the pictures during this time of the trip, it's a one-time-thing only, and I promise to produce better stuff next month 

And if you feel like calling me now by phone, while I'm in Thailand, do not hesitate, the new number is ready and set! Once we're out of Thailand, the number will be temporarily disconnected till we're back. And during sleep, the phone will be switched off 

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