Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bangkok loves Penang!

Van Bangkok-HuaHin-March2009

While HL was shopping, I strolled around in Siam Square, and what did I find? A restaurant, specialised in Shark Fins from PENANG !!!! Even here, this tiny little island is FAMOUS :-) rightfully so !!!!

Today I got my new spex, with special setup sunglasses, I'm very happy, I like them very much. You'll see them on one of the next pictures in picasaweb, but they look a lot like my old spex so I wonder if you'll notice the difference!

HL bought some clothes (again!). And then we went to an open-air-DVD-sales where we acquired rather blindly whatever seemed of possible intrest, simply because of the prices being so low!

I still have to tell you about Nai, although I am not ready yet sorting out my impressions, so maybe it's a bit too early for that, come back tomorrow! But I can tell you now already that he's a teacher in the middle of nowhere, living openly gay, single since his Pinoy bf deceased some years ago, and clearly ready to open again to the world and to life. I know absolutely nothing of his world, and you can imagine that this fascinates me, although I do consider the possibility that his world might not please me. Then again, if you don't try ......

huggies :-)

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