Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Shirt

As promised, The Shirt was ready on Friday. It's based upon Medieval colorcombinations (left side has a different color then the right side) with a twist: the sleeves are unicolor, and the black background of the front side is stronger represented on the back side. The collar follows the color of the bodypart.
The decorations are only situated on the parts with a black background.
All in all a lovely shirt, and obviously an eye-catcher!

Now I'm curious how long it will last: since the colors are from natural substances, the shirt needs to be washed with a non-aggressive soap, and it should stay out of bright sunlight, otherwise the colors will fade away in time. I'm not too worried about it: I'm planning to wear it as much as possible, though not in the heat of the day :-) (and be assured, Yogya can be very hot in the middle of the day! It hasn't rained here for many days already, and we clearly see - and feel - the temperatures climbing up each day!). No need to say we love it !

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