Friday, May 22, 2009

Centuries old, and almost brandnew

SpringHouse-2, originally uploaded by
Nice picture, isn't it? Just an illustration of the renovation work in the low house next door.
The renovation is almost done! Now we started to buy stuff to decorate the old "new" house. Today we got 2 huge plastic pots, since we will have plants there too. Provisionally they decorate the garden now, but they will end in the renovated house.
BTW, do you know that the renovated house is already many centuries old? It's a miracle that it's still standing there! 
The entrepreneurs should have finished everything by the end of this month, I hope. Then we can start to do the interior painting, and slowly move in there. By the end of the summer, we should live there. That's the planning!
Did you ever move house? If so, did you enjoy it?

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