Monday, October 26, 2009

and now something completely different :-)

Since P. in Thailand wanted me to read a book on digital photography, I started studying it.

Lovely book, it really explains the details on the stuff.

Now I'm at a chapter that deals with the program of Adobe Photolabs, "Lightroom".

Quite technical information, so I needed the program to assist me through the reading.

Fortunately, now the "lightroom" program is free downloadable in its beta version 3.


I'm installing it now, and I'll tell you my discoveries lateron!

Meanwhile on top you see a "panoramic" picture of the golf course of Campo Real, Portugal! I love that picture, it emphasises on the glowings and curvings of the golf course. It's maybe a bit overdone, but after Freddy Mercury, who cares hehe?




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