Friday, April 8, 2011

closed door (except one)

strolling in the old town of HaNoi, discovering one of the many old temples and pagoda's. Looking behind the bars at the closed doors. No wait, one door is open. Guys are playing cards.

This ordinary picture depicts pretty much my idea of the country. We, the tourists, see things not as they are, we see them behind the bars of tourism. Even behind those bars, most of the doors are closed. If we see one door open, we see only a glimpse.

When talking to a guy in a park, he told me: nothing in this country is what you see. Nothing in this country is what you hear. Everything is different from what you see and hear.

I need to go to a gay bar or sauna, to meet real life, the life of the underbelly, the life of the uninhibited desire and lust, where guys can be themselves, and feel no restraints. Meanwhile, I enjoy my stroll in the virtual reality of daily life :-) .

1 comment:

Apsiecool said...

they normally having reasons why 'closed door" except one? on the other hand, i could tell you're enjoying your stroll and more so the the scenes you would like to engage to. be happy yeppey yehhey always, Atty! take care as always....enjoy life what it brings you