Tuesday, March 2, 2010

to punk or not to punk, that is the question!


Anyone knows what the haircut of this boy (Hua Hin) indicates? Remarkable !!!!

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1 comment:

paul bavo said...

ah! finally, Khun K. explained me ... it's an old thai tradition: children who don't reach adulthood have a shaven head, with only a dot of hair on the front, and one string of hair.
When they reach adulthood, that dot of hair is shaven too, and from that moment on they are considered adults.
So when you see a boy with this hairstyle, he's still considered a boy, not an adult.
But khun K. said that it's rare to see it nowadays.
The name of the hairstyle is:
(djaan)(underscore short u)(gai) Djook (meaning: dot of hair, but only for a non-adult boy).