Monday, February 15, 2010

eye-witness from the land of smiles

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Discussion 4 : 15/02/2010 at 07:42 PM4

Just today I witnessed about 60 very young students at a public place in Rama 2 area:

Fully equipped with machetes, self-built pistols (I heard 3 shots), everyone used his belt as a weapon and threw rocks and stones to the other side.
This spectacle went on-as I mentioned: NO hidden place!- for about 30 minutes. Not 50 m away was a police check-point, but guess: No police man appeared at the scene.
About 30-40 spectators watched the scene and applauded, laughed and yelled, big fun.
The students (or better call them monkeys??) were in the age of 11-15, for some of them their machete was almost half size of their body length.

No comment about that, every nation gets the people it deserves.
Fits perfectly to the momentarily situation in the land of smile.What a shame.

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