Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Vatar !!!


being in a city that shows Avatar in 3D, we couldn't resist :-) a beautiful story, good vs bad, spirit vs money, sharing vs greed. Eternal values. And the technology behind the movie is breathtaking. Another bonus!
HL was crying at the end. He's such a gentle soul :-)
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RezaKD said...

Rob also was crying at the end hehehe
but he wanted to hide it !
but I cried when americans attacked to their tree
and it was really awful for me !
but we both were quite impressed by this :D
you didn't cry ??

paul bavo said...

I only cried of joy when buying the tickets, only 17 MYR (3.5 euro) per person for the 3D movie :-) so joyful !!!
The movie itself moved me (as a movie should) but not to tears, I was too busy studying all the special effects hehe! And the spectacular 3D of course, it's soooooo amazing !!!!!