Saturday, June 20, 2009

gratitude vs. ambition

Van fwfreshmenpicstheklineshcolarsinthepool

I've read somewhere: "The first step is being grateful for all you have. It is a very healthy and positive way to keep you motivated. Take time out of each day to think about five things you are grateful for. This is a time for you to reflect on the day in a positive light."

Those are true words. Whoever you are, you and me, and whereever we are, we have so many things to be grateful for. It's a good idea to start the day, revisualising the persons and things and circumstances that should make us grateful.

But at the same time, I am not content with just gratitude. I want to look forward, and see new things and meet new people and discover new attractions.


Does that make me ungrateful? I don't think so ... it's who I am, constantly welcoming a new day and new experiences. What do you think? Can gratitude be combined with ambition and expectation?




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