Friday, November 18, 2016

Japan in Malaysia: ISETAN

Isetan is a well-known shopping mall in Japan. The first Isetan outside of Japan was located in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Lot 10, Bukit Bintang (BB), many years ago. Time for a renovation!

We remembered the old Isetan in KL, as a more or less run down mall, with many cheap items, interesting but not inspiring.

Our recent visit showed a totally new Isetan: fresh ideas, sparkling design, innovative products, totally the opposite of the old one. Now it's really a showcase of the best that Japan has to offer. Amazing. If you have time, do go there and pay it a visit in Lot 10, BB. Although being a showcase, the items are still for sale (most of them). Unfortunately, no longer cheap. One price one quality!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ISETAN, which commonly saying an iphone, ipod, ipad and so one, which literally means, i phone, i pod, i pad. so in here it means i setan? or i set an? in my country, setan meant as a ghost or evil. so in here also most of people will inter-prate it as, i ghost. hehe.. quite interesting name picking. wonder what its actually mean for them creator.