Van HongKong+Macau-April2009 |
Today is Good Friday: the Catholics remember today that Jesus was nailed on the cross and died. A lot of other religions wonder why the Catholics use that cross as the sign of their belief: why use the pain and death as your publicity board? Early Christians didn't do it, they choose other symbols. It would be interesting to see when the cross as a worldwide symbol was used by the church, and why. Anyway, today is the day of the Cross.
And we are in a former Portuguese colony, drenched in old-time-roman-catholicism, so I went searching for a spot where the Good Old Roman Catholic Traditions were still 'en vogue'. I was advised: go to the cathedral, there will be a procession at 3 p.m.
Hop we went to Macau centre with the 1.30 h. shuttle! A quick doublecheck at the touristic center, oops, it starts at 4 p.m. No harm done, we'll stroll in the old part of Macau, and indeed, a wonderful stroll it was.
3.45 p.m. we were at the cathedral, to find out that actually the holy mass started at 4 p.m., and no procession was in sight. So we decided to be good christians, and attend the mass, which was all in Portuguese language, pleasant to hear. The cathedral was fuller then full, people were standing on the street (us included), attending the mass.
5 p.m. passed by, the ceremony of the kissing of the wounds started: a rush to the several crosses spreaded all over the cathedral. Around 5.30, the preparations for the procession started. HL promised me that this was the last time he ever wanted to participate in a roman catholic celebration hehe! Poor HL, although my feet were hurting too :-)
The procession was in full glory. A statue of Jesus, laying dead and waiting to be put in his grave, was carried around the town. The Police Brass Band followed Jesus, first only sounding the drum, lateron playing funeral music (see my youtube page, as soon as the movies are uploaded!). Quite impressive. Even more impressive, the hundreds of people following the procession, walking behind the representation of Christ's dead body. A woman sinking on her knees. Grim faces everywhere: Our Lord Is Dead. This was no show, this was heartfelt pain.
When I was taking pictures, I tried to be as discreet as possible. Howevery, many eyes were spying at me. Taking pictures of persons in Macau is obviously not encouraged. I wonder if China's secret service has anything to do with that!
Back in the hotel at 7 p.m., we enjoyed a wine-tasting of Portuguese wines, and fooled around with the Easter Bunny, who was too early since Easter still has to come :-). Then to the room, video time!
Happy Good Friday!
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