Van Manila-Cebu-Bohol-March2009 |
We never expected our Saturday to be so packed :-) So many things happened, here comes a summary.
(1) After the morning swim, we discovered the lavish breakfast here at the hotel ... it's like breakfast and lunch and dinner in one huge package spread out over a gigantic room, all buffet style, eat your heart out. Our six nights here won't be enough for us to discover all breakfast details, it's simply too much! We just have to come back :-) We were all very sleepy after breakfast, but HL managed to be stronger then himself and did the laundry instead of a nappy, we admire him for that!
(2) The 12 o'clock hotel shuttle took us to the SM Mall, a huge mall and packed with a huge variety of shops. We strolled there for 2 hours but limited ourselves to windowshopping, except HL who was still searching for his tongue-scraper hehe! In the National Bookstore, a young boy was fascinated by a special balloon, and his mother kept him from trying the balloon, it was so cute that I bought the little toy and gave it to the boy (Allan helped to find the exact boy again), I'm sure this was the day of his life :-)
(3) Back to the hotel per metered taxi, 80 PHP (a bit more then 1 euro) and resting again, combined with loungevisits. HL, internetting in the lounge on his new Vaio, managed to reschedule the Bahrain flight, so that we don't have to wait so long for a connecting flight! Cheers to HL !
(4) While Allan was using the gym, HL and me had a stroll outside the hotel, in the local slums (better slumquality then before) and to the casino-under-renovation, and back to the hotel. It's so lovely that people over here don't mind being photographed, on the contrary, they consider it fun, and they love to see the picture on the camerascreen, it's a guarantee for a bright smile.
(5) Heddy sms'd me to confirm that he'd be coming this evening, together with a friend. He insisted that we should have a yahoo-chat as preparation of the visit. Meanwhile, it was cocktail hour in the lounge, so we combined both dinner and chat. In the chat, he introduced me to his friend Wency. Heddy is a girlish boy and Wency says he's bisexual (meaning: lateron he'll marry a girl and start a family). Both are 19 y.o.
(6) Around 8 pm, the hotel prepared for Earth Day: at 8.30 pm all the lights will go out and only candles will be used. The staff was running around, lighting all those candles, it was fun to observe it.
(7) At 7.30 pm the boys should have been at the hotelgate, and of course they were too late. Nevertheless, we chatted in the hotel lobby, and at 8.25 we hurried upstairs to the lounge, to admire the effect of Earth Day on Cebu, from the 24th floor. Disappointing. Almost no lights went off. Earth Day is still a dream, and awareness still a far-away-goal. The boys loved the view, and Wency took a picture of me and Heddy. Then we went to the room, where HL & Allan were waiting to meet them.
(8) Quickly the boys started talking about their personal life, hopes and dreams, and about reality. They were surprised that I knew the Philippino secret, that a lot of married guys have a male "mistress". Wency opened up slowly slowly, it was the first time I met him and he was clearly prudent, but he told he has a 60+ yo US bf, who rents 2 condo's in Jomtien Beach and 2 condo's in Cebu, and in each condo a boy is posted, and the US guy hops from condo to condo. Wency receives a monthly allowance of 30.000,00 PHP (500 euro) (which is double a normal wage) and he gives half of it to his family, and the other half is spent on food & education & luxury. I urged him to start saving instead of spending it all: in a short while he'll loose his youghtful looks and then he'll need a financial backup.
We chatted and chatted till 10 pm. Then I escorted them out of the hotel, and they planned to continue the Saturday night in The Loft, IT park, where the beautiful people hang out.
HL was so thrilled to have met Heddy: the guy is so open and happy about who he is, the joy sparks from his face, and HL wished he could have been like that at Heddy's age. However, paradise seems to be lost, Heddy told us that - when he was young (15 yo), he was beautiful, and now that he's old (19 yo) he's an ugly duck! Allan confirmed another story of the boys being a local habit, that they took female-hormone-pills at that age, to have a smooth skin and beautiful looks, and they didn't mind the side-effects (shrinking penis, loss of libido), although they stopped when they started to produce breasts hahaha! The Phils are full of surprise Pills :-) Now you know why the tourism office uses the slogan: WOW !!!!
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