Tuesday, February 17, 2009


couple with sunflowers, originally uploaded by - Raphael Perez.
my oh my ... we had a visitor at noon. The doorbel rang, and M. asked if she could come in ... M is a female friend, we know her since she was born :-) and whenever she has a dip or a problem or when she just needs a shoulder to cry on, there she is !!! Today with a heartbreaking story ... she and her lover had a huge fight last Sunday, on Valentine!!! And her lover refuses to answer her calls. She looked devastated!
What a day to break up with each other !!!! I wonder how many couples use that day to really split up, to stop the relationship, to go different ways .... I don't doubt that there are many.  Pushed into the commercial harnass of obligatory love, one must be so tempted to ask himself if that love is true and real ... and so many times the answer must be negative.
So, although I feel really sorry for M., and I tried to give her my comforting shoulder and some complimentary good ideas how to solve her problem, I have to review my opinion on Valentine's day. I thought it was a boring invention of big business, and nothing more. Now, thanks to M., I realise that many can find a deeper meaning of Valentine: it's the day that one asks oneself: do I love you enough to stay with you for another year?
Lovely invention, those calenderdays !!!!


RezaKD said...

ah , this was very sad , yes I bet a lot broke in this day , lots of things can make this
really I feel sorry for her ,
I hope all ask themself this question you said.

HS Lee said...

It is 04.00 h here, i went to bed about 24.00 h but was tossing
and turning in bed, since i can't
sleep ... might as well log in to read Mr.Paul Bavo's blog. I have some comments here :
Yes,I agree that Valentine's day has become very commercial and all the business possible try to capitalize on it. However,I think many people find it a special day to express their commitment and love for another person.That expression maybe there other days too, but this day is particularly powerful for those truly in love with each other. At least for some and perhaps many - I think many. It also stands as a reminder that Love really is important and is that which fills our day to day lives with more meaning than what they would have without it. And whether it be with flowers, a special meal,or candy or a card or words or best of all with gentle, meaning love making - the expression deepens the love and commitment of the two people ......

paul bavo said...

ah sweet Lee, you are such a nice guy !!!! You're absolutely right, my dear !!! Happy Valentine !!!!