We stay in a condo in JB (Malaysia) that is roughly 20 y.o., and it was time to renovate the kitchen and bring the kitchen up to modern standards. We asked some price quotations from several contractors, included the special service from HomePro (www.homepro.com.my/home-projects). Although HomePro was offering the most expensive total price, we decided to contract this firm, mostly because we knew the firm from Thailand, and we had very good experiences with the Thai HomePro. Little did we know that the Malaysian franchise wasn’t as reliable as the Thai parent.
Anyway, HomePro Malaysia promised us to do everything at a given price: interior design, hacking, cementing, tiling, electricity, installing, painting, just name it, the renovation of the kitchen and adjacent storage and bathroom would be in one hand (HomePro), and we didn’t have to contact several workers, we only had to work with our one contact person at HomePro Malaysia. Price: 54.000,00 MR for work and 5.000,00 MR for materials. Payment must be upfront, otherwise they won’t work (no trust in customer, obviously). A time-frame was given, in which the works would be done: roughly 2 months.
Since we trusted HomePro, we didn’t ask for too many warranties, just a basic 2 pages description of how the renovation would be done, and some prints of the future look of the kitchen were handed over to us. Now we deeply regret that we didn’t insisted on a detailed description and on a clear sanction or compensation if HomePro would not deliver according to their promises.
The works didn’t take roughly 2 months, they took more then 4 months, with workers not showing up from time to time, or arriving late in the morning and leaving early in the afternoon. Living 2 months in a condo without a kitchen is already a very unpleasant challenge, but if it takes more then 4 months it becomes a horror story.
We asked for compensation from HomePro for this horrible delay in work and lack of comfort for us, but HomePro refused to give any financial compensation.
The works were badly organized. For example: when the goods (tiles, toilet, ….) were delivered by a HomePro truck, the HomePro workers in the truck refused to bring the goods in the condo, they claimed that they only had to put the goods on the floor, 1.5 m. from the truck. They didn’t care what would happen with the goods after that. The contractor who was working at that time (drilling the old tiles) wasn’t aware of the delivery and didn’t instruct the one person working to bring the goods up. It was only after several contacts with the HomePro contact-person, that the workers were found willing to store the goods in the condo. A horrible experience.
Some works were simply lousy and extremely bad done. For example the plumbers: they installed new piping in daytime, with huge water leaking at night, repaired the day after, leaking again the night after, and so on and so forth. Nobody cleaned up the rubbish, caused by the massive water leaking, we had to do it ourselves. HomePro once again showed a total lack of respect for the client and an incredible amateurism in choosing the contractors and workers, with a total lack of follow-up.
Although it was clearly understood that the 2 pages of listing of work and materials would cover the totality of the renovation, HomePro requested extra money for some parts, for instance the price of the toilet: since we paid for toilet + installation, we supposed that the price included all materials for installation, such as a tap to connect the toilet to the water-supply. No no, for that tap we had to pay extra, HomePro was not willing to provide it included in the paid price. Same thing happened with numerous other small parts. This was a horrible lesson for us: if we every contract with HomePro in the future, every screw and every nail will be detailed in the price agreement, so that there is no discussion at all, and so that HomePro cannot profit twice. Our confidence in that firm is down to zero.
This list is to be continued. We are now in the process of finalizing the works and that by itself is already a drama. We’ll keep this page open for further comment. Just some pictures of painting works, that HomePro claimed was duly finished; it is clear that the painting was not fully done yet, contrary to the false claims of HomePro.
The horror story continues .