Wednesday, June 26, 2013

the need of change

One of the things I fear the most, is to become someone who's stepping in the same treadmill - even a comfortable one - day in day out, without change. It's the danger of routine, it becomes so normal that one doesn't think of other things then the usual ones.

That's why, for me, it's necessary to break the routine from time to time, and to do something totally different, out of the box. It also means that I have to leave my normal surroundings, and go to a totally different place, a totally other environment then what I'm used to.

Last weekend, it was a short break to Berlin. Lovely city, so much is going on there (see the pix on ). Even a short weekend away makes me a new person. I can highly recommend it!

How about you? Do you fancy the comfort of the daily treadmill, or do you want to break free from time to time?