Sunday, July 31, 2011

am I afraid of work?

not at all, I can sit down beside it all day without fear at all.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the big eat the small

Reading the FT on Monday July 25th, 2011:

"some experts accuse European governments of talking tough on credit ratings but actually trying to minimise the pain of their big debt burdens by transferring some of it to savers. Government bonds yields in the UK are already negative when adjusted for inflation, and those of the US and Germany are barely positive.
It is absolutely disgraceful. It is a way of impoverishing insurance companies and pension funds, says Geoffrey Wood of London's Cass Business School bluntly. It is premeditated theft by governments from their citizens. "

Well, I have no sympathy for the big money institutions, because they now receive the same treatment as what they were given their savers: over here, the banks are giving an intrest rate on deposits that is lower then the inflation too. Which means that the savers are loosing money yearly, by giving their money to the banks. We, the savers, were already punished by the financial crash of 2008, and year after year we get punished again, while the bank bonusses for the bank staff start swinging again. Disgraceful is the word.
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Monday, July 25, 2011

Invasians in Prague

Prague, July 2011. Never seen so many Asian tourists outside of Asia as here in Prague. They even come here to marry (obviously those who can afford the trip + 2 photographers + make-up stylist for the pictures). Some come just as a couple, others come in group (yes yes, you do understand me correctly: a whole flock of brides, in full white outfit, jumping on the Prague marketsquare while being photographed. What was Bob Dylan singing again, in former millenium .... ah, right, "the times they are a-chaaaaaaangggggiiiiiiiing". So true.
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