Thursday, October 29, 2009

music in the park

Music to relax in the park

Sigh ... I woke up this morning at 6 am and I worked till 7 pm, no break ... very tired now !!! How I wish I were like this guy in the park, quietly and peacefully making music in the greenery, sitting under the sun !!!

Well, just to tell you that all is well here, I'm just glad that the working day is over :-) 

How was your day?




Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the gaydar

I was browsing the Creative Commons page and found this cute picture of a gay pride in UK.

Normally I'm not into muscles, but this one is attractive :-)

How good is your gaydar?




Tuesday, October 27, 2009

more about pee-pee !!!

In the renovated house, we wanted a urinoir! Too bad we didn't found one of these in the shop, otherwise we would seriously have considered buying one of them !!!!

Pee Bee


Monday, October 26, 2009

and now something completely different :-)

Since P. in Thailand wanted me to read a book on digital photography, I started studying it.

Lovely book, it really explains the details on the stuff.

Now I'm at a chapter that deals with the program of Adobe Photolabs, "Lightroom".

Quite technical information, so I needed the program to assist me through the reading.

Fortunately, now the "lightroom" program is free downloadable in its beta version 3.


I'm installing it now, and I'll tell you my discoveries lateron!

Meanwhile on top you see a "panoramic" picture of the golf course of Campo Real, Portugal! I love that picture, it emphasises on the glowings and curvings of the golf course. It's maybe a bit overdone, but after Freddy Mercury, who cares hehe?




Sunday, October 25, 2009

and back to basics

we're back from Portugal :-) the fresh weather in Belgium immediately brought us back to our senses :-)

My new experiences with the panoramic function on the camera were fascinating! I didn't post all the failures hehe! Only the good ones :-) But this little program is doing wonders, I love it!

If you like to see the "home-cinema" movies of HL's hotel presentation, surf to

And now back to work !!!! busy week ahead :-)




Saturday, October 17, 2009

close is powerful

Van 0908-09-Thailand

you remember that I was writing in my blog about my digital camera? I'm so happy with it !!!

One of the great things about this little camera is the excellent huge size of the pictures ... it means that -- after taking a snapshot -- I can still zoom in on the picture and only get a close look. That makes the picture much more powerful!

Here you see a picture of "ball", a young guy that was sitting next to me on a bus in thailand. The original picture is much bigger, and shows all his hair, and his arms & chest.

By zooming in to only his face, the picture becomes much more interesting! And there's no quality loss :-)

The next thing I have to try out is how to make panoramic photos .... that's something for next week!

Stay tuned :-)



Friday, October 16, 2009

the young and the future

Van 0909-Thailand-ErawanMuseum

tonight, I chatted with a couple of young guys (long live internet!), and I'm astonished with the amount of courage youngsters look at their future, even when they know it will be difficult.

First there's the pinoy, he lives in a very poor area (sqatters) and he obviously has little money. Nevertheless he managed to scrape together enough funds to start university (although he's clearly in constant need of money).

Does he loose hope? Nope, he keeps going on, and he's determined to reach his goal. I'm very much looking forward to meeting him in real life, one day!

Then there is a gay boy from iran, who desperately tries to run away from his country (gays are killed over there) to his Dutch 'daddy', both of them have spent an incredible amount of money and energy, and they still have no result.

Does that make him desperate? Not at all, they keep on going till they reach their goal.

Young humans are so strong, determined, energetic, and so much looking for the future, it's heartwarming to witness!



Thursday, October 15, 2009


Van 0909-Thailand-Ayutthaia

Lovely picture, isn't it? The boy was strolling around in Ayutthaya, with a group of youngsters, and protecting himself from the sun with an umbrella. He took snapshots with his mobile.

This is exactly what this blog is for me, at the moment! I'm in a protected environment, and I write snapshots of my life, or associations with the things I see, do, hear, smell, taste, feel .... All those little pieces of the puzzle, day by day, that is me :-)

I'm still discovering myself!



paperwork !!!

Van 0909-Thailand-Ayutthaia

Just like the monk in this picture (who's collecting papers), I'm totally into paperwork for the last days !!!! Writing a court paper and my head is exploding hehe!

I hope to finish it by this weekend, it's really killing me .... so many thoughts that have to be pressed into one paper .... and I'm sure the judges will complain that it's too much ... although I try to limit myself to 100 pages :-)

When my head really explodes, I'll try to make a picture of myself and post it here !!!!!!!! BOOOOOM :-)



Monday, October 12, 2009

yes yes back to english :-)

Van 0908-09-Thailand

isn't this a great picture? It was taken in the Sheraton Hua Hin, Thailand, you know one of those huge funfactories where tourist are spoiled and this one has the biggest swimming pool imaginable (well, maybe there are bigger ones, but this one is really HUGE) and look at the two female tourists ... what do they use the pool for? Too busy to interrupt their reading, they just walk in the water with a book, sunglasses and a hat and continue reading hahaha!!! It must have been a thrilling book that absorbed them completely :-)

Talking about female tourists ... in that same hotel were some female specimens who decided to do topless sunbathing, yes yes you get the picture, they had huge milkfactories spread open for the public to admire. In my case, there was no admiration, just curiosity ... where those boobs real or was there a possibility that the boobjob would start melting under the hot sun? I took a closer look at those mellons, but my curiosity was not appreciated by the owner hehe ! So I still don't know till today if it was pure nature or a stuffed turkey :-)


Van 0908-09-Thailand

and here I am again :-) I still have to figure out how to get the heading back into English hehe, since everything I type there (in English) gets automatically transformed into Hindi (I think). Weird weird weird!!!

Meanwhile you will have viewed the pictures on .... thailand was amazing again, and we met so many wonderful friends there, I never could have imagined that.

Work in the office is also almost back to normal, so I can pick up the blog where I left it.

Stay tuned!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

new challenges !

ha, I'm sure you thought I disappeared into thin air :-)

not true! Here I am !!! I'm challenged by a number of things these days:

1. working with Lightroom by Adobe.

A wonderful program (to be downloaded for free because it's in beta testing) ... it really gives you more insight on how a digital photo can be mastered in so many directions! Fascinating !

2. Google Sites

Another challenge! Google is really incredible when it comes to intuitive programming: the programming is so clever that with a minimum of efforts, you can build a website that looks quite amazing !!! 

3. Christian charity

HowLan and me had a discussion last night ... the discussion started about money, and what would happen if I pass away. This also is a challenge for me, because his reasoning and my reasoning are not alike when it comes to money and the combination of that with my desire to spread the joy to friends (you could call it also: christian charity, although that leads us to a total new discussion hehe!)

I gave a number of friends in the far-away and recent past a helping hand, financially, for their studies, exclusively doc and postdoc. HowLan had no problems with that.

On the next trip, I want to go one step further. I have some cyberfriends in the Phils, who are gay and unfortunately not wealthy. They want to study but they don't have the funding. 

What should I do? There is not one moment of hesitation in my heart that I should help them. I discussed it with Apsie, and he confirmed that it's a common pratice in the Phils that a benefactor is paying the university bills directly to the university for certain individuals. 

I can do that.

But I don't want to do it without the consent of my partner. I know it's money that I earned with lots of problems and energy and heartpain, but I don't care, I enjoy earning money and using that income for others to benefit from it.

Well, the discussion with my partner didn't go too well. He's not really in favour of financially helping Pinoys. I cannot blame him, given the fact that we had some bad experiences in the past, not to mention Joel. But nevertheless. Isn't it written in the Bible that God would spare a whole city if only there was only one good-hearted-person?

Fortunately, this morning, my partner told me that he has full confidence in me, when it comes to money and how to spend it, even when it concerns giving a helping hand to the studies of my pinoy friends.

However, I still want to continue our discussion with him, how he sees christian charity applied in his personal life.

Room for more blogs, I suppose!

Now I stop rambling, and go to sleep !!! nitey nitey :-)

